Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween In New York

This Halloween like every other year, I didn't plan out a costume. Thank heavens for bunko! I dressed up as Fun Run Angela and Rhett dressed as Three Hole Punch Jim. We met a very cute Jim and Pam at the ward party. (We love these two kids!)
The ward party was fun. Classic gym dressed up as a spooky gym. These New Yorker Mormons party it up though, Everyone came and EVERYONE dressed up! Out of all of the costumes these were my favorite!
After the ward party Rhett and I went down to Greenwich Villiage and kicked it with the locals who were haveing a big parade. It was CRAZY!!! Tons of people, tons of costumes, even more profanity and belly buttons. Hands down, one of my top five favorite things about NY is all the people watching you can do. These two were extra spectacular!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh!! So SO SOOOOO FUN!!! That is CRAZY that you got TWO Jim's in ONE picture!! I would have melted!!