Friday, October 30, 2009

"Did you ever know that you're my hero" yes, that was the song I sang as Elna Baker, the writer of "The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance" walked up to the mike. She was lovely.
First, she talked about her five worst dates. One was a guy who picked her up in a mini van and she had this overwhelming feeling that she needed to fill it with children. The guy asked her how long she had been in New York and when she said 8yrs he said..."8yrs? Can you even sew?"

What a lame-o guy.

But Elna, not to brag but I am pretty sure I have your worst dates beat.

It was senior year, Homecoming and I went with a sophomore who said to my face..."I asked you on this date because I thought you would be fun." Then he gave two freshman a ride to the dance and told them how he wished he had gone with them...Then he decided to rank me against other girls while we stood in line to get in the dance. This was not the first nor the last...But I win right?

Back to the reading, Elna then read a chapter of her book and answered questions. She did a great job and was so nice to everyone. Then I got to meet her...Everything I liked about her came spilling out of my mouth. I have no filter when it comes to people I have to awkwardly meet.

"Hi Elna! Wow, I just love you so much and I love your book and you are so pretty and I have this book will you sign it and I made this sign, Oh can I take a picture with you? Because I made this sign for my friend Crystal, she loves you too in fact she sent me the book when I moved here from AZ and this sign is for her."

"Sure." replied Elna.


Sarah, Abbey, and Clara said...

HA ha HAAAAA!! Ok, first of all! Who was the retard sandwich that totally dissed you on your date?? I hate him!
Second!! I love that you have no filter when you meet completely entertaining people!! Elna must have loved you!
Third!! I don't know who this Elna person is, but I'm so glad you got to meet her!! You are almost famous my dear, I can just feel it!


Anonymous said...

Leslie I am loving Elnas' book! She is so funny and open about her life and thoughts. Of course I am beginning to worry about her and her eternal salvation but that is what I do, even while watching Lost, The office, Gilmore girls, and lately Scrubs. I should probably stop that.