Sunday, February 14, 2010

Caution : Yield To Horses

This Valentines I was in charge of activities and I took that assignment seriously. I happened upon this little jem Bronx Equestrian Center hidden away in the upper upper Bronx. UPPER BRONX! It took forever to get there but it was totally and insanely worth it.

Horseback riding in the snow is something I had never done. The park is so large that I felt like I was in a Colorado forest. Rhett and I were accompanied by a guide named Benny. We were the only three people for dozens of feet. NY is so crowded it was nice to feel alone for a little while.

My Horse's name was Joey. He was hilariously lathargic. Rhett's horse was named Martin and he was a super spaz!

Is it too late to ask my parents for a pony?

Benny was really fun! He took this picture of us above and then we chilled with him for a little while inside to thaw out before we headed out again to get on the bus.
After Horseback riding I took Rhett to a resturaunt called BRGR for two reasons. 1.) I wanted to take him to a guy place. 2.) Rhett watched this documentary about home corn fed beef is bad for the cows and bad for the people. BRGR only uses grass fed beef.

Rhett got a kick out of it which was my goal, the sweet potato fries were an added bonus. YUMMY! (Even if the beef is grass fed nothing about this meal was good for you...obviously, that is why it was so good!)

(This picture is for you Cryz. Enjoy!)

When we got back flowers were waiting for me at the door! Ooooohhh....Best Husband Ever!
Hooray for Valentines Day! We had a blast!


Alisha said...

What a great Valentine's Day! Way to go on planning such great activities!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with New York again! Loved the horses, snow and especially loved Bennie. The food looked so yummy and the flowers were beautiful. Good job Rhett. Oh and Leslie I think the snow brings out your amazing green eyes.

Abbie said...

Awwwwwww, look at you being all romantic. I want to ride horses and eat burgers and get roses now.

Why did we not see each other at church? I really missed getting a creepy smile stare:(

Crystal said...

Dear Crystal,

Pictures of people shoving food in their mouth always remind me of you.

Love, Leslie

Sarah, Abbey, and Clara said...

Oh Leslie!! I loved your Valentines Day adventure!! You are SO HOT on a horse!! And so is Rhett!! I am so glad you got a lethargic horse!! Seems so much safer! Do you think they drugged him to be that way? I'm serious!
I LOVE the restaurant you went to! Who knew that grass fed beef is better for you!?! But, i am so hungry right now, I could eat that whole meal in one bite!! As soon as I saw the picture of Rhett taking a bite I thought of Crystal....ha ha. I am a fan of those pictures as well. I think all of your posts should include Rhett shoving food in his face! He's a pro! And, I am so proud of him for having flowers waiting for you! I think he's a magicion....or maybe he plans things in advance.....I'm not really sure, but kudos Rhett! I vote best husband right there, for sure.

Marisa and Rob said...

How FUN Leslie!!!!! I love your adventure that you did!!! Man I need to be a better wife and do something fun like that!!!! :0) I just love reading you're blog!!

Sarah, Abbey, and Clara said...

Can I just add that I love Benny as well!! He is adorable!! And, I love your face, that's all.....ha ha.

Rhett said...

Can I just say that it was awesome, AWESOME!!! (sung really high pitched in falsetto). It was the longest subway ride ever, but totally worth it, we only got lost once too, that should be impressive, well it was for us anyway...

Cassie Jae said...

lol you are so cute! answer to your question... yes of course we will live by each other one day and be best friends :] that is if you plan on moving back to Arizona. oh and p.s. i like that you guys have been adopted into our family. for reals. :] its awesome.

Cassie Jae said...
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Melanie Hahn said...

Love the NO HANDS pic!!! so funny!!!!