Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Clash of the Johnsons

As it turns out The Kraken has moved to New York and is living in the apartment above me. That's right, the mythical creature that used to live on the costs of Norway and Iceland has decided that it needed a change of pace and decided to move to Manhattan, I don't know why, maybe the Cloverfeild monster told him the weather was nice?

Every Saturday morning, EARLY morning, they release the Kraken and let it run around the apartment and play fetch and drop bowling balls and run in circles and DRIVE ME CRAZY!

I took some pictures of the Kraken around town to prove I am not making any of this up. So feel bad for me people, feel bad that I don't get to sleep in on Saturdays.

Kraken visiting the Statue of Liberty

Kraken enjoying a Sabrett hot dog in Central Park

Kraken rocken an "I Heart NY" shirt!


Sarah, Abbey, and Clara said...

I am DYING laughing right now!! That was the best post EVER, and the best picture footage of the Kraken! Please don't be offended by my laughter. I am very upset that your saturday mornings are ruined by this creature, but hey, at least it's not just same rude lame neighbors being the jerks! It's the REAL KRAKEN!! Love you.

Abbie said...

I might have to start putting on Depends before I read your blog. Peeing my pants, on the floor, laughing. AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH!!! I love you!!

Crystal said...

Oh dear Johnsons, I do feel sorry for you. Because I have been victim to this monster myself. I hate him.

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing the bowling ball rolling across the floor over and over again while I tried to sleep!!! Oh dear! Makes perfect sense to me now. It was the KRACKEN!!!!

Melanie Hahn said...

LOLOLOLOLOL...that was so funny!!!!!!!!!! But, seriously, I DO feel sorry for you not being able to sleep in!

Marisa and Rob said...

That is Hilarious Leslie!!! I'm sorry you can't sleep!!

lofgreenlegacy said...

Leslie you are the cutest ever! You crack me up....makes me think back to good ol' math at EAC. You look soooo happy and must be livin the dream in New York. I've ALWAYS wanted to go there! How fun for you guys. What are you doing there? Going to school, working, or just having fun? Take care and hope to chat soon-Hope