Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sacred Grove

Two weeks ago we headed up to Palmyra with my bestie's Amy and Brandon. I loved everything about it. I have a whole list of reasons. I will only list the top three.

(Leaf from the Sacred Grove)

#3. Big blue open Sky's and lots of pretty nature. Spending most of my time on a concrete island with no view of anything in the sky can get a little grey.

#2. Learning. I learned about the lives responsible for the restoration, where and how they lived and most importantly what they sacrificed. We often refer to Joseph Smith as a martyr, I learned that his entire family and all his friends were martyrs. They gave their lives for the things they knew were true.

#1. Feeling the spirit of the Sacred grove. Walking where God and Jesus Christ appeared was wonderful and peaceful. I felt the same way I feel when I am on temple grounds.

I am blessed.


Curtis Family said...

That is awesome that you were able to experience that! I would love to go there someday:o)

Sarah, Abbey, and Clara said...

What a neat and special experience. I love the picture of the leaf, and your new blog look! It's very calming.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything Sarah said! We forget how blessed we are and what should be important in our lives. Thanks Leslie

Melanie Hahn said...

How lovely! I want to go there!!!

Abbie said...

Yes! So true - his family sacrificed so much. Props to them, all of them!

Thanks for this post. I like it a lot. And I can't wait to go.

Marisa and Rob said...

Amazing!!! That is one place that is on my list to go too!!! I'm so jealous that you got to go there!!! :o)

Vicki Johnson said...

Tender and precious.
I want to go there with you guys.
Can you imagine how much Mollie would love that, I can.