Friday, March 12, 2010

Sometimes It's Not Just A Bus

I am helping out with a company called Forte Festivals. They bring band/orchestra kids from around the country to play their instruments. Thursday I met with their Bus driver to pick up all of the kids from JFK. I thought it was just another bus with another driver....I was SO wrong!

Above is Cedric, He was President Obama's bus driver during his campaign. Below is me sitting where President Obama sat...Or maybe a secret service guy, and maybe the secret service guy liked the retro chair design as much as I did...(don't be surprised if I end up with a couch upholstered exactly the same!)


Crystal said...

While I full-on believe that Cedric drove Barack all over the territory, I simply cannot believe that our president sat on that bus. Sorry, Les.

Unknown said...

That is exciting!! haha

Sarah, Abbey, and Clara said...

Unlike Crystal, I believe that maybe Barak did go for a ride in that bus. The thing I don't believe, is that you love the upholstrey on those seats!!